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Fatigado, flagelado e aflito (Stricken, smitten, and afflicted) 🔎🔍

🎞️ · 10.05.2023 · 19:26:35 ··· MiTTwoch ⭐ 20 🎬 309 📺Matheus Inácio
🎬 · 10.05.2023 · 19:26:35 ··· MiTTwoch
👓 · 05.10.2024 · 01:16:36 ··· Samstag
Original: Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted

Fatigado, flagelado, vejam-no morrer na cruz!
É o Cristo rejeitado sim, minha'lma, é meu Jesus!
É o Profeta esperado, de Davi filho e SENHOR;
Por Seu Filho, Deus nos fala: Ele é o Verbo, Vida e Luz.

Dizei vós que o ouvis gemendo, houve já tamanha dor?
Seus amigos o negaram por vergonha e pavor,
Muitas mãos se levantaram pra feri-Lo, o Salvador!
Mas o golpe mais profundo a Justiça executou.

Vós que pensais do pecado: “algo leve ou sem pesar”,
Vede vossa grande culpa, não podeis imaginar!
Ponderai tal sacrifício! Quem o fardo carregou!
Foi o Verbo Encarnado, Deus e Homem, o Senhor

Eis aqui o fundamento, eis aqui refúgio e amor.
Cristo, a Rocha dos eleitos, nossa glória e valor!
O Cordeiro por Deus dado para a culpa cancelar,
Quem em Cristo pois confia, jamais se abalará.

Author: Thomas Kelly (1769-1854)
Melody: "O Mein Jesu, Ich Muss Sterben"
Geistliche Volkslieder Town: Paderborn, 1850.

Tradução livre: Gustavo Monteiro / Charles Grimm
Noite da Sexta-Feira da Paixão - 2020


Stricken, smitten, and afflicted,
See Him dying on the tree!
’Tis the Christ by man rejected;
Yes, my soul, ’tis He, ’tis He!
’Tis the long expected prophet,
David’s Son, yet David’s Lord;
By His Son God now has spoken:
’Tis the true and faithful Word.

Tell me, ye who hear Him groaning,
Was there ever grief like His?
Friends through fear His cause disowning,
Foes insulting His distress:
Many hands were raised to wound Him,
None would interpose to save;
But the deepest stroke that pierced Him
Was the stroke that Justice gave.

Ye who think of sin but lightly,
Nor suppose the evil great,
Here may view its nature rightly,
Here its guilt may estimate.
Mark the Sacrifice appointed!
See Who bears the awful load!
’Tis the Word, the Lord’s Anointed,
Son of Man, and Son of God.

Here we have a firm foundation,
Here the refuge of the lost.
Christ the Rock of our salvation,
His the Name of which we boast.
Lamb of God for sinners wounded!
Sacrifice to cancel guilt!
None shall ever be confounded
Who on Him their hope have built.

SELECT * FROM DAvidPlay WHERE `DAvid`="0eVizYimvmA"
· 10.05.2023 · 19:26:35 ··· MiTTwoch
* 1683739595
* 1683739595
X 309
Y 20

C 20752
B 8
V 40
* · 28.07.2022 · 00:00:00 ···
2 · 14.07.2023 · 10:35:07 ···
L · 05.10.2024 · 01:16:34 ···
C · 05.01.2025 · 14:29:56 ···
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* · 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
* · 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···

· 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
🧠 📺

*** · 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· ::
*2* · 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· ::
*L* · 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· ::
*C* · 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· ::
