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Delaware Tribe Raises Awareness For Missing And Murdered Indigenous People

· 18.05.2024 · 23:25:49 ··· Samstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 News On 6/KOTV
Members of the Delaware Tribe gathered in Bartlesville on Friday to raise awareness for missing and murdered indigenous people.

The ceremony and walk were all about bringing attention to issues faced by native communities. 
Organizers of the event said in 2022, 86 indigenous people were either murdered or went missing and they fear when the latest data comes out, that number could rise. 

It might be a small group of people gathered at the Delaware Tribe, but their goal is to reduce the number of murdered or missing native people in Oklahoma each year. 

Most tribal members wore red in honor of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People. They also made signs or carried photos of those lost.

Family and Children Services Outreach Coordinator Shelby Kesley said it's important to bring people together to show them they're not alone. 

"We want to let them know that we still are here, we have your backs, we want you to know that there are people out here that are encouraging you," Kesler said.

The ceremony ended with a walk around a pond as people held signs and messages of support for their community.

Organizers said as people leave, they want them to know that they are dedicated to helping the people in their Delaware Tribe get out of dangerous or even life-threatening situations.

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