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Atheist Junior Vs. Darth Dawkins

🎞️ · 24.09.2023 · 10:01:35 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 13 🎬 789 📺 Paul Ross
🎬 · 24.09.2023 · 10:01:35 ··· Sonntag
😎 · 03.07.2024 · 15:40:29 ··· MiTTwoch
Most atheists only believe in what is empirically provable. Anything not empirically provable, anything not detected in our world, not detectable through some scientific instrument is doubted, dismissed, and counted as non-existent. However, most of reality is not detectable through some scientific instrument. The origin of our universe, what preceded it. Why are its laws this way as opposed to another? Why does it exist in the first place? What is its reason and purpose are all questions not discoverable through any scientific instrument.

Science can only ever describe the world, by observing the patterns within it, but can never know where they came from or why they behave this way as opposed to that way. A scientist can stare at the patterns forever and never know the answers to these fundamental questions. Science is confined to secondary causes, to things that can be dissected, counted, measured, and quantified. Everything else is beyond its scope. Stephen Hawking understood this when he pointed out, “Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?” On this topic, science has nothing to say.”

Physicist Paul Davies has asked many of his physicist colleagues the answers to the biggest questions, but none are able to answer even the most fundamental question of why the laws of physics are what they are. Davies says their favourite reply is, ‘There is no reason for the way they are what they are—they just are.”

Fact: Senses detect sensory events, not their causes, which are inherently undetectable by the senses. If we could observe causes with our senses, there would be no debate about how our world operates. The fact is that we cannot observe what’s going on behind the scenes, hence we must infer, via some means or other, the nature of that which is unobserved and unobservable. In short, science tells us nothing about the underlying nature of reality, only about our interface. We simply cannot transcend the limits of sensory observations to see the ultimate cause of our sensory observations and therefore the observational phenomenon of natural things does not in any way demonstrate that these things exist independently of God. When an atheist declares there is nothing outside the domain of scientific detection, the atheist is making a statement of FAITH which cannot be tested with tools and methods from inside the domain of science.

There is no “seeing is believing” when it comes to anything ultimate, even the atheistic position that the ultimate grounding of reality is impersonal is not anything known from empirical observation because there can be no empirical observation of anything that precedes the existence of our space-time dimension. The atheistic position that the ultimate metaphysical bedrock of reality is impersonal is a philosophical belief-based position and has nothing whatsoever to do with empirical science.

In fact, we cannot see 94% of the observable universe and 0% percent of the unobservable universe. The atheistic argument that “we cannot see God; so, he does not exist,” is fallacious as far as it assumes that something unobserved is confused with something non-existent. The bottom line is science cannot answer questions that are beyond the reach of its empirical and experimental techniques and therefore cannot answer the fundamental questions of existence and that is why when an atheist says that there is no God, you know that they are totally making that up. The truth is that observationally based, human centred based interpretation, operating out from incomplete data, will always remain in a state of infinite empirical ignorance because limited human senses can never have an omniscient pansophical view of reality.

Science deals with the quantifiable. That which can be measured and dissected. It deals with mass, weight, shape, and space but God is in the domain of the non-empirical. God is not a material, physical thing. God is not made up of atoms, molecules, protons, neutrons, and electrons. God is not part of the universe but transcends the physical universe as far as God existed prior to our physical world and therefore is beyond the scope of the physical sciences. The physical sciences can measure and experiment with secondary causes but have no access to anything primary.

The atheist rejects God because God is not detectable through some scientific instrument, but neither are our subjective experiences detectable through any scientific instrument, or most of reality for that matter. God cannot be found in material properties, such as in atoms, protons, electrons, neutrons, things, and stuff. God is a Spirit—a person, a presence—and, thus, can only be experienced. God cannot be observed directly, but we can indirectly experience his existence through his presence and effects in our lives.

to be continued...


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