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Splash Down - The Hottest Day of the Year 2012

· 23.08.2012 · 15:49:06 ··· ··· Thursday ·· 4 (4) HDCYT
Splash Down - The Hottest Day of the Year 2012. Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1oHVuUM

There is only one thing to do when the temperature rises, the sun is beaming down and the hosepipe ban is over.

A few minutes after we finished with the camera Harry managed to cut the plastic and all the water came out. Luckily a handy puncture repair kit saved the pool.

Warning - we are not using the inflatable pool as recommended however there was constant supervision.

Watch Charlie bit my finger: http://bit.ly/HDCYT_Charliebitme

T-Shirts http://charliebitme.firebrandstore.com/
iPhone http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/charlie-bit-me!!!/id494858348?mt=8
Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.viralspiral.charlie

Twitter http://twitter.com/harryandcharlie

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