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Come, Sing a New Song (R) - Bernotski & Olin (Revised)

· 17.02.2023 · 04:12:11 ··· Freitag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Jared Bernotski
Come, Sing a New Song (R)
Text: Linda Bonney Olin 2019, alt. 2021
Tune: Jared Bernotski, 2017,

1. Come, sing a new song together with me!
We’ll sing of a world where all people are free,
with justice and peace, not for some but for all,
and room at the table in God’s banquet hall.
A song of truth! A song of love!
Oh, come sing a new song with me!

2. Come, sing a new song! Let diff’rences be
by grace brought together in sweet harmony.
We worship the same God, who rules every heart;
so, let faith unite us, not keep us apart.
A song of truth! A song of love!
Oh, come sing a new song with me!

3. Come, sing a new song that heeds God’s decree
to care for our neighbor, and on this agree:
that everyone’s voice has the right to be heard.
Let’s praise God together in deed and in word.
A song of truth! A song of love!
Oh, come sing a new song with me!

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