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· 20.04.2012 · 16:45:09 ··· ··· Friday ·· 5 (5) filmarchiv100
Talks with Steven Harrison - If we start from the fact that WE DO NOT KNOW, We have the possibility of accessing zje vast potential of the human being, not just thought, feeling and emotion, but all of life. That which we have access to and that which we do not know we have accsss too. The human potential is a quantum-reality: This means, that it is the potential for all expressions. We see the possibility in experiences of spontaneous energy-states in timelsssness as we have a car-accident or as we step away from the car, that is corning to us... We see this in the intensity of feeling in love in connection that we may experience with a young child. Or the love for an other, before we can fuse it with romance. The spontaneous silence, that we all experience, when we step into nature. The immense confusion that we experience, when we find we can't figure out something else or we don't know. The sense of what is in an other before the other speaks. These are the hints of the human potential. And the doorway to that is the death of everything that I know.

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🧠 📺

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