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A Guardian's Prayer (Joseph's Prayer) - Jared Bernotski & Linda Bonney Olin

· 11.11.2023 · 07:31:31 ··· Samstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Jared Bernotski
A Guardian's Prayer (Joseph's Song) 
Lyrics: Linda Bonney Olin 
Music: Jared Bernotski, 2023 

1. One Father in heaven, one father on earth
have waited with joy for our precious son’s birth.
Not child of my body but child of my heart,
today our new life as a family will start.

2. My hands are so clumsy, all callused and rough;
to cuddle a baby, not gentle enough.
But I’ll show him daily how deeply I care.
Whenever he needs me, he’ll find me right there.

Gracious God, you’ve entrusted a treasure to me,
to protect, to provide, and to guide righteously.
I promise to cherish this child as my own
and to father him lovingly till he is grown.

3. Lord, you in your infinite mercy supplied
a woman to love and to work by my side.
Because she believed in your word, she was blessed
to give wondrous life to the babe at her breast.

4. The road to this place has been painful and long.
Now I must resolve to stay faithful and strong.
The journey from here full of hardship may be,
but you and my family are counting on me. 

Gracious God, you’ve entrusted a treasure to me,
to protect, to provide, and to guide righteously.
A job too demanding for one simple man!
Father, help me to be the best father I can.

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🧠 📺

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