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State of Emergency in L.A - George Floyd Protest in Beverly Hills - Police used tear gas | Footage

· 31.05.2020 · 10:13:55 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Michael Trauer

State of Emergency in L.A - The National Guard to assist police - Beverly Hills police used tear gas on protesters - Protestants marking walls with graffiti and demanding justice for George Floyd

After George Floyd's death in Minneapolis, the wave of demenstrations reached Los Angeles.
Thousands of protesters gathered on the streets of Beverly Hills this afternoon (LA time) to demonstrate against the racist act. But the demo escalated. Rioters destroyed shop windows and cars.
National Guard was used to control the demonstrators using tear gas guns and truncheons.
During his daily walk in Beverly Hills, Prince Frederic von Anhalt witnessed the events.
PRESS RELEASE Anna Karolina Heinrich (Manager Prince Frederic von Anhalt)

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