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KEIN WUNDER 767 Aqsa - Haram #allah #glaube #islam #religion #iman #muslimempire #wunder #muslime

· 08.12.2023 · 15:00:21 ··· ··· Friday ·· 5 (5) BibelundKoranTeam
Hier sind die Quellen:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ASSR8s2LcugJ0HVkYBYAR4v-cYFX-pBHaLC1PUqAKCU/edit#gid=1684526995 from mosque to mosque?

https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1h5v16ahHjdMNWt3deXH0zEXD6wErVpF2&femb=1&ll=25.731531313717348%2C53.918559250000015&z=4 all places in the quran to search for

https://islam-akademie.de/islamwissenschaften/sprache-und-grammatik-des-korans/70-die-anzahl-der-verse-im-koran -Anzahl der Verse im Quran

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0**## 🧠 Koran 📺 BuKT
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