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Flight to Egypt - Bernotski, Olin, & Remillard

· 12.01.2023 · 08:53:30 ··· Donnerstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Jared Bernotski
Flight to Egypt (Matthew 2)
Text: Linda Bonney Olin, 2022
Tune: Jared Bernotski, 2018

1. Warning came suddenly in Joseph’s dreaming.
God’s angel called to him: “Rise! Wake your wife!
Quickly! You must escape King Herod’s scheming.
Soldiers are coming to take your baby’s life,
to take your baby’s life!”

2. Heeding the angel’s words, Joseph and Mary
took Jesus far away that very night.
Egypt would offer them safe sanctuary.
God would protect them from danger in their flight,
from danger in their flight.

3. Living as refugees, hid in a new land,
they grieved for cherished ones they’d left behind:
innocent children slain by Herod’s cruel hand,
torn from their parents, who could no comfort find,
who could no comfort find.

4. One night the angel brought news long awaited,
word of their enemy King Herod’s death.
Now, in their grateful hearts joy resonated.
Once more they traveled, back home to Nazareth,
back home to Nazareth.


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