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07.07.2024 · 18:42:05 ···
01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
10.07.2023 · 00:18:43 ··· 6 ··· ··· 55 ··· Antje
07.07.2024 · 18:42:05 ···
01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
10.07.2023 · 00:18:43 ··· 6 ··· ··· 55 ··· Antje

1:: [LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Dashboard, World Maps, Charts, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 15.01.2024 · 00:57:56 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on total cases, death, recovered cases and vaccine program progress. I started this live stream on Jan 26th. Many people are worried about the spread of coronavirus. For anyone that wants to know the real-time progression of the worldwide spread of this virus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to instill fear or panic, nor is it to necessarily comfort; I just want to present the data to help inform the public of the current situation. The purpose of this stream is to show basic information and data to understand the situation easily. For detail information, please visit our reference sites. -- References for automatic update: 1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ 3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 5. RiskLayer (DEU): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wg-s4_Lz2Stil6spQEYFdZaBEp8nWW26gVyfHqvcl8s/edit#gid=1171970400 7. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia 8. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/55c22ee976bc42338cb454765a6edf6b 9. VG (NOR): www.vg.no 10. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ 11. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/ 12. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi 13. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr / 14. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/ 15. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/ 16. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/ 17. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/ 18. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/ 19. La Repubblica (ITA): www.repubblica.it/ 20. RIVM (NLD): www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel 21. стопкоронавирус (RUS): xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai 22. IEDCR(BGD): www.iedcr.gov.bd/ 23. La Republica (PER): larepublica.pe/ 24. biobiochile (CHL): www.biobiochile.cl/ 25. Министерство здравоохранения (UZB): coronavirus.uz/ru 26. Estado actual del Coronavirus en REP DOM (DOM): www.coronavirus-rd.com/ 27. Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador (ECU): coronavirusecuador.com 28. Libertatea (ROM): www.libertatea.ro/ 29. Taiwan CDC (TWA): www.cdc.gov.tw/ 30. Mano vyriausybė (LTU): lrv.lt/ 31. Calcalist (ISR): www.calcalist.co.il/ 32. CNA (SGP): www.channelnewsasia.com/ 33. Ministry of Health (RKS): kosova.health/en/ 34. Afghanistan official Dashboard (AFG): uneplive.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4c8ca6b1d9bc44d6bde5e2fd54afc180 35. SaudiArabia official Dashboard (SAU): 36. Clarin (ARG): Clarin.com/ 37. Ant1News (GRC): www.ant1news.gr/ 38. TV2 (DEN): tv2.dk/ 39. OUTBREAK.MY (MAL): www.outbreak.my/ 40. Bahrain MOH (BHR): 41. Qatar MOH (QAT): 42. Vietnam MOH (VNM): 43. Portugal MOH (PRT): 44. Moldova (MDA): 45. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): I live in South Korea. I majored in life sciences and joined bioinformatics laboratory for my Masters degree. At that time, I used python. Since I decided to change my career as dentist, I have stopped programming for almost 15 years now but decided to dust off my programming skills. Please understand, I cannot devote all my free time to this live stream so during off-hours data gathering is done automatically and/or updated by moderators. Although the stream started off crude and basic, many people have supported me in improving and maintaining this. It is because of your support and encouragement that I keep the stream going. I especially appreciate all the advise and support from the moderators and devoting their precious time to improving this live stream - Stephanie Hughes, Random, Entrenched Trader, Droid Knight, Craft Fan, Fries, jlpowell73, The NCV, Josh Leathers,The Eldritch God, srpk khin, Hitz1001, Redchief, GildArt by Gilda, emmamec, lambi, AmberLeanne, DukeHeart, Green Rock Films, Charlie, amithist57, Billy C, Kiha Wihane, syeda bukhari and Kesrako. I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Data1 - screen numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Data2 - Daily numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=636567047&single=true - Full music list is in Community page. Hero Down: http://incompetech.com/ www.bensound.com www.epidemicsound.com www.artlist.io

2:: [LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Dashboard, World Maps, Charts, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 07.11.2023 · 00:58:29 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on total cases, death, recovered cases and vaccine program progress. I started this live stream on Jan 26th. Many people are worried about the spread of coronavirus. For anyone that wants to know the real-time progression of the worldwide spread of this virus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to instill fear or panic, nor is it to necessarily comfort; I just want to present the data to help inform the public of the current situation. The purpose of this stream is to show basic information and data to understand the situation easily. For detail information, please visit our reference sites. -- References for automatic update: 1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ 3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 5. RiskLayer (DEU): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wg-s4_Lz2Stil6spQEYFdZaBEp8nWW26gVyfHqvcl8s/edit#gid=1171970400 7. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia 8. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/55c22ee976bc42338cb454765a6edf6b 9. VG (NOR): www.vg.no 10. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ 11. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/ 12. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi 13. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr / 14. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/ 15. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/ 16. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/ 17. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/ 18. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/ 19. La Repubblica (ITA): www.repubblica.it/ 20. RIVM (NLD): www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel 21. стопкоронавирус (RUS): xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai 22. IEDCR(BGD): www.iedcr.gov.bd/ 23. La Republica (PER): larepublica.pe/ 24. biobiochile (CHL): www.biobiochile.cl/ 25. Министерство здравоохранения (UZB): coronavirus.uz/ru 26. Estado actual del Coronavirus en REP DOM (DOM): www.coronavirus-rd.com/ 27. Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador (ECU): coronavirusecuador.com 28. Libertatea (ROM): www.libertatea.ro/ 29. Taiwan CDC (TWA): www.cdc.gov.tw/ 30. Mano vyriausybė (LTU): lrv.lt/ 31. Calcalist (ISR): www.calcalist.co.il/ 32. CNA (SGP): www.channelnewsasia.com/ 33. Ministry of Health (RKS): kosova.health/en/ 34. Afghanistan official Dashboard (AFG): uneplive.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4c8ca6b1d9bc44d6bde5e2fd54afc180 35. SaudiArabia official Dashboard (SAU): 36. Clarin (ARG): Clarin.com/ 37. Ant1News (GRC): www.ant1news.gr/ 38. TV2 (DEN): tv2.dk/ 39. OUTBREAK.MY (MAL): www.outbreak.my/ 40. Bahrain MOH (BHR): 41. Qatar MOH (QAT): 42. Vietnam MOH (VNM): 43. Portugal MOH (PRT): 44. Moldova (MDA): 45. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): I live in South Korea. I majored in life sciences and joined bioinformatics laboratory for my Masters degree. At that time, I used python. Since I decided to change my career as dentist, I have stopped programming for almost 15 years now but decided to dust off my programming skills. Please understand, I cannot devote all my free time to this live stream so during off-hours data gathering is done automatically and/or updated by moderators. Although the stream started off crude and basic, many people have supported me in improving and maintaining this. It is because of your support and encouragement that I keep the stream going. I especially appreciate all the advise and support from the moderators and devoting their precious time to improving this live stream - Stephanie Hughes, Random, Entrenched Trader, Droid Knight, Craft Fan, Fries, jlpowell73, The NCV, Josh Leathers,The Eldritch God, srpk khin, Hitz1001, Redchief, GildArt by Gilda, emmamec, lambi, AmberLeanne, DukeHeart, Green Rock Films, Charlie, amithist57, Billy C, Kiha Wihane, syeda bukhari and Kesrako. I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Data1 - screen numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Data2 - Daily numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=636567047&single=true - Full music list is in Community page. Hero Down: http://incompetech.com/ www.bensound.com www.epidemicsound.com www.artlist.io

3:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 12.07.2023 · 01:43:15 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on Active Cases This streaming is another variation of the original one based on active cases. I started this live stream on Jan 26th. Many people are worried about the spread of coronavirus. For anyone that wants to know the real-time progression of the worldwide spread of this virus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to instill fear or panic, nor is it necessarily comfort; I just want to present the data to help inform the public of the current situation. The purpose of this stream is to show basic information and data to understand the situation easily. For detailed information, please visit our reference sites. -- References for automatic update: 1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ 3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 5. RiskLayer (DEU): www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/100/detail 6. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia 7. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html 8. VG (NOR): www.vg.no 9. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ 10. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/ 11. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi 12. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): covid19.isciii.es/ 13. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr / 14. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/ 15. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/ 16. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/ 17. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/ 18. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/ 19. La Repubblica (ITA): www.repubblica.it/ 20. RIVM (NLD): www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel 21. стопкоронавирус (RUS): xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/#operational-data 22. IEDCR(BGD): www.iedcr.gov.bd/ 23. La Republica (PER): larepublica.pe/ 24. biobiochile (CHL): www.biobiochile.cl/ 25. Министерство здравоохранения (UZB): coronavirus.uz/ru 26. Estado actual del Coronavirus en REP DOM (DOM): www.coronavirus-rd.com/ 27. Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador (ECU): coronavirusecuador.com 28. Libertatea (ROM): www.libertatea.ro/ 29. Taiwan CDC (TWA): www.cdc.gov.tw/ 30. Mano vyriausybė (LTU): lrv.lt/ 31. Calcalist (ISR): www.calcalist.co.il/ 32. CNA (SGP): www.channelnewsasia.com/ 33. Ministry of Health (RKS): kosova.health/en/ 34. Afghanistan official Dashboard (AFG): uneplive.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4c8ca6b1d9bc44d6bde5e2fd54afc180 35. SaudiArabia official Dashboard (SAU): covid19.moh.gov.sa/ 36. Clarin (ARG): Clarin.com/ 37. Ant1News (GRC): www.ant1news.gr/ 38. TV2 (DEN): tv2.dk/ 39. OUTBREAK.MY (MAL): www.outbreak.my/ 40. Bahrain MOH (BHR): www.moh.gov.bh/COVID19 41. Qatar MOH (QAT): www.moph.gov.qa/ 42. Vietnam MOH (VNM): ncov.moh.gov.vn/ 43. Portugal MOH (PRT): covid19.min-saude.pt/ 44. Moldova (MDA): I live in South Korea. I majored in life sciences and joined a bioinformatics laboratory for my Masters's degree. At that time, I used python. Since I decided to change my career as a dentist, I have stopped programming for almost 15 years now but decided to dust off my programming skills. Please understand, I cannot devote all my free time to this live stream so during off-hours data gathering is done automatically and/or updated by moderators. Although the stream started off crude and basic, many people have supported me in improving and maintaining this. It is because of your support and encouragement that I keep the stream going. I especially appreciate all the advice and support from the moderators and devoting their precious time to improving this live stream - Max Mustermann, Stephanie Hughes, Random, Entrenched Trader, Droid Knight, Craft Fan, Fries, jlpowell73, The NCV, Josh Leathers,The Eldritch God, srpk khin, Hitz1001, Redchief, GildArt by Gilda, emmamec, lambi, AmberLeanne, DukeHeart, Green Rock Films, Charlie, amithist57 and Billy C. I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership, and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Data1 - screen numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Data2 - Daily numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=636567047&single=true - Full music list is in the Community page. Hero Down: http://incompetech.com/ www.bensound.com www.epidemicsound.com www.artlist.io

4:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 08.05.2023 · 00:56:33 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on Active Cases This streaming is another variation of the original one based on active cases. I started this live stream on Jan 26th. Many people are worried about the spread of coronavirus. For anyone that wants to know the real-time progression of the worldwide spread of this virus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to instill fear or panic, nor is it necessarily comfort; I just want to present the data to help inform the public of the current situation. The purpose of this stream is to show basic information and data to understand the situation easily. For detailed information, please visit our reference sites. -- References for automatic update: 1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ 3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 5. RiskLayer (DEU): www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/100/detail 6. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia 7. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html 8. VG (NOR): www.vg.no 9. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ 10. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/ 11. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi 12. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): covid19.isciii.es/ 13. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr / 14. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/ 15. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/ 16. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/ 17. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/ 18. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/ 19. La Repubblica (ITA): www.repubblica.it/ 20. RIVM (NLD): www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel 21. стопкоронавирус (RUS): xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/#operational-data 22. IEDCR(BGD): www.iedcr.gov.bd/ 23. La Republica (PER): larepublica.pe/ 24. biobiochile (CHL): www.biobiochile.cl/ 25. Министерство здравоохранения (UZB): coronavirus.uz/ru 26. Estado actual del Coronavirus en REP DOM (DOM): www.coronavirus-rd.com/ 27. Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador (ECU): coronavirusecuador.com 28. Libertatea (ROM): www.libertatea.ro/ 29. Taiwan CDC (TWA): www.cdc.gov.tw/ 30. Mano vyriausybė (LTU): lrv.lt/ 31. Calcalist (ISR): www.calcalist.co.il/ 32. CNA (SGP): www.channelnewsasia.com/ 33. Ministry of Health (RKS): kosova.health/en/ 34. Afghanistan official Dashboard (AFG): uneplive.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4c8ca6b1d9bc44d6bde5e2fd54afc180 35. SaudiArabia official Dashboard (SAU): covid19.moh.gov.sa/ 36. Clarin (ARG): Clarin.com/ 37. Ant1News (GRC): www.ant1news.gr/ 38. TV2 (DEN): tv2.dk/ 39. OUTBREAK.MY (MAL): www.outbreak.my/ 40. Bahrain MOH (BHR): www.moh.gov.bh/COVID19 41. Qatar MOH (QAT): www.moph.gov.qa/ 42. Vietnam MOH (VNM): ncov.moh.gov.vn/ 43. Portugal MOH (PRT): covid19.min-saude.pt/ 44. Moldova (MDA): I live in South Korea. I majored in life sciences and joined a bioinformatics laboratory for my Masters's degree. At that time, I used python. Since I decided to change my career as a dentist, I have stopped programming for almost 15 years now but decided to dust off my programming skills. Please understand, I cannot devote all my free time to this live stream so during off-hours data gathering is done automatically and/or updated by moderators. Although the stream started off crude and basic, many people have supported me in improving and maintaining this. It is because of your support and encouragement that I keep the stream going. I especially appreciate all the advice and support from the moderators and devoting their precious time to improving this live stream - Max Mustermann, Stephanie Hughes, Random, Entrenched Trader, Droid Knight, Craft Fan, Fries, jlpowell73, The NCV, Josh Leathers,The Eldritch God, srpk khin, Hitz1001, Redchief, GildArt by Gilda, emmamec, lambi, AmberLeanne, DukeHeart, Green Rock Films, Charlie, amithist57 and Billy C. I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership, and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Data1 - screen numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Data2 - Daily numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=636567047&single=true - Full music list is in the Community page. Hero Down: http://incompetech.com/ www.bensound.com www.epidemicsound.com www.artlist.io

5:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.04.2023 · 01:51:47 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

6:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 12.04.2023 · 03:59:52 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

7:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 17.03.2023 · 03:57:26 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

8:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 18.02.2023 · 00:51:25 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

9:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 15.02.2023 · 00:52:57 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

10:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 26.12.2022 · 00:52:03 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

11:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 16.12.2022 · 09:57:03 ··· ···
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12:: [LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Dashboard, World Maps, Charts, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 19.11.2022 · 03:28:46 ··· ···
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13:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 19.11.2022 · 03:22:43 ··· ···
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14:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 17.10.2022 · 00:39:16 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

15:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 23.09.2022 · 05:54:43 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

16:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 17.08.2022 · 01:54:18 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

17:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 29.07.2022 · 09:19:26 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

18:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 05.07.2022 · 00:47:28 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

19:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 29.06.2022 · 04:08:49 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

20:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 15.06.2022 · 16:44:31 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

21:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 12.05.2022 · 13:02:38 ··· ···
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22:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 09.04.2022 · 09:18:29 ··· ···
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23:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 06.04.2022 · 23:43:43 ··· ···
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24:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 01.04.2022 · 14:55:10 ··· ···
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25:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 23.03.2022 · 12:04:10 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on Active Cases This streaming is another variation of the original one based on active cases. I started this live stream on Jan 26th. Many people are worried about the spread of coronavirus. For anyone that wants to know the real-time progression of the worldwide spread of this virus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to instill fear or panic, nor is it necessarily comfort; I just want to present the data to help inform the public of the current situation. The purpose of this stream is to show basic information and data to understand the situation easily. For detailed information, please visit our reference sites. -- References for automatic update: 1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ 3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 5. RiskLayer (DEU): www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/100/detail 6. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia 7. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html 8. VG (NOR): www.vg.no 9. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ 10. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/ 11. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi 12. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): covid19.isciii.es/ 13. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr / 14. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/ 15. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/ 16. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/ 17. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/ 18. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/ 19. La Repubblica (ITA): www.repubblica.it/ 20. RIVM (NLD): www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel 21. стопкоронавирус (RUS): xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/#operational-data 22. IEDCR(BGD): www.iedcr.gov.bd/ 23. La Republica (PER): larepublica.pe/ 24. biobiochile (CHL): www.biobiochile.cl/ 25. Министерство здравоохранения (UZB): coronavirus.uz/ru 26. Estado actual del Coronavirus en REP DOM (DOM): www.coronavirus-rd.com/ 27. Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador (ECU): coronavirusecuador.com 28. Libertatea (ROM): www.libertatea.ro/ 29. Taiwan CDC (TWA): www.cdc.gov.tw/ 30. Mano vyriausybė (LTU): lrv.lt/ 31. Calcalist (ISR): www.calcalist.co.il/ 32. CNA (SGP): www.channelnewsasia.com/ 33. Ministry of Health (RKS): kosova.health/en/ 34. Afghanistan official Dashboard (AFG): uneplive.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4c8ca6b1d9bc44d6bde5e2fd54afc180 35. SaudiArabia official Dashboard (SAU): covid19.moh.gov.sa/ 36. Clarin (ARG): Clarin.com/ 37. Ant1News (GRC): www.ant1news.gr/ 38. TV2 (DEN): tv2.dk/ 39. OUTBREAK.MY (MAL): www.outbreak.my/ 40. Bahrain MOH (BHR): www.moh.gov.bh/COVID19 41. Qatar MOH (QAT): www.moph.gov.qa/ 42. Vietnam MOH (VNM): ncov.moh.gov.vn/ 43. Portugal MOH (PRT): covid19.min-saude.pt/ 44. Moldova (MDA): I live in South Korea. I majored in life sciences and joined a bioinformatics laboratory for my Masters's degree. At that time, I used python. Since I decided to change my career as a dentist, I have stopped programming for almost 15 years now but decided to dust off my programming skills. Please understand, I cannot devote all my free time to this live stream so during off-hours data gathering is done automatically and/or updated by moderators. Although the stream started off crude and basic, many people have supported me in improving and maintaining this. It is because of your support and encouragement that I keep the stream going. I especially appreciate all the advice and support from the moderators and devoting their precious time to improving this live stream - Max Mustermann, Stephanie Hughes, Random, Entrenched Trader, Droid Knight, Craft Fan, Fries, jlpowell73, The NCV, Josh Leathers,The Eldritch God, srpk khin, Hitz1001, Redchief, GildArt by Gilda, emmamec, lambi, AmberLeanne, DukeHeart, Green Rock Films, Charlie, amithist57 and Billy C. I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership, and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Data1 - screen numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Data2 - Daily numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=636567047&single=true - Full music list is in the Community page. Hero Down: http://incompetech.com/ www.bensound.com www.epidemicsound.com www.artlist.io

26:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 23.03.2022 · 12:03:26 ··· ···
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27:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 03.03.2022 · 00:46:21 ··· ···
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28:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 30.01.2022 · 00:21:27 ··· ···
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29:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 16.01.2022 · 23:40:16 ··· ···
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30:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 30.12.2021 · 10:10:54 ··· ···
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31:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 27.12.2021 · 09:45:21 ··· ···
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32:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 27.12.2021 · 00:46:41 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on Active Cases This streaming is another variation of the original one based on active cases. I started this live stream on Jan 26th. Many people are worried about the spread of coronavirus. For anyone that wants to know the real-time progression of the worldwide spread of this virus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to instill fear or panic, nor is it necessarily comfort; I just want to present the data to help inform the public of the current situation. The purpose of this stream is to show basic information and data to understand the situation easily. For detailed information, please visit our reference sites. -- References for automatic update: 1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ 3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 5. RiskLayer (DEU): www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/100/detail 6. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia 7. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html 8. VG (NOR): www.vg.no 9. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ 10. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/ 11. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi 12. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): covid19.isciii.es/ 13. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr / 14. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/ 15. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/ 16. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/ 17. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/ 18. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/ 19. La Repubblica (ITA): www.repubblica.it/ 20. RIVM (NLD): www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel 21. стопкоронавирус (RUS): xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/#operational-data 22. IEDCR(BGD): www.iedcr.gov.bd/ 23. La Republica (PER): larepublica.pe/ 24. biobiochile (CHL): www.biobiochile.cl/ 25. Министерство здравоохранения (UZB): coronavirus.uz/ru 26. Estado actual del Coronavirus en REP DOM (DOM): www.coronavirus-rd.com/ 27. Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador (ECU): coronavirusecuador.com 28. Libertatea (ROM): www.libertatea.ro/ 29. Taiwan CDC (TWA): www.cdc.gov.tw/ 30. Mano vyriausybė (LTU): lrv.lt/ 31. Calcalist (ISR): www.calcalist.co.il/ 32. CNA (SGP): www.channelnewsasia.com/ 33. Ministry of Health (RKS): kosova.health/en/ 34. Afghanistan official Dashboard (AFG): uneplive.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4c8ca6b1d9bc44d6bde5e2fd54afc180 35. SaudiArabia official Dashboard (SAU): covid19.moh.gov.sa/ 36. Clarin (ARG): Clarin.com/ 37. Ant1News (GRC): www.ant1news.gr/ 38. TV2 (DEN): tv2.dk/ 39. OUTBREAK.MY (MAL): www.outbreak.my/ 40. Bahrain MOH (BHR): www.moh.gov.bh/COVID19 41. Qatar MOH (QAT): www.moph.gov.qa/ 42. Vietnam MOH (VNM): ncov.moh.gov.vn/ 43. Portugal MOH (PRT): covid19.min-saude.pt/ 44. Moldova (MDA): I live in South Korea. I majored in life sciences and joined a bioinformatics laboratory for my Masters's degree. At that time, I used python. Since I decided to change my career as a dentist, I have stopped programming for almost 15 years now but decided to dust off my programming skills. Please understand, I cannot devote all my free time to this live stream so during off-hours data gathering is done automatically and/or updated by moderators. Although the stream started off crude and basic, many people have supported me in improving and maintaining this. It is because of your support and encouragement that I keep the stream going. I especially appreciate all the advice and support from the moderators and devoting their precious time to improving this live stream - Max Mustermann, Stephanie Hughes, Random, Entrenched Trader, Droid Knight, Craft Fan, Fries, jlpowell73, The NCV, Josh Leathers,The Eldritch God, srpk khin, Hitz1001, Redchief, GildArt by Gilda, emmamec, lambi, AmberLeanne, DukeHeart, Green Rock Films, Charlie, amithist57 and Billy C. I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership, and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Data1 - screen numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Data2 - Daily numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=636567047&single=true - Full music list is in the Community page. Hero Down: http://incompetech.com/ www.bensound.com www.epidemicsound.com www.artlist.io

33:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 26.12.2021 · 12:56:32 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on Active Cases This streaming is another variation of the original one based on active cases. I started this live stream on Jan 26th. Many people are worried about the spread of coronavirus. For anyone that wants to know the real-time progression of the worldwide spread of this virus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to instill fear or panic, nor is it necessarily comfort; I just want to present the data to help inform the public of the current situation. The purpose of this stream is to show basic information and data to understand the situation easily. For detailed information, please visit our reference sites. -- References for automatic update: 1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ 3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 5. RiskLayer (DEU): www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/100/detail 6. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia 7. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html 8. VG (NOR): www.vg.no 9. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ 10. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/ 11. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi 12. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): covid19.isciii.es/ 13. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr / 14. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/ 15. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/ 16. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/ 17. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/ 18. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/ 19. La Repubblica (ITA): www.repubblica.it/ 20. RIVM (NLD): www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel 21. стопкоронавирус (RUS): xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/#operational-data 22. IEDCR(BGD): www.iedcr.gov.bd/ 23. La Republica (PER): larepublica.pe/ 24. biobiochile (CHL): www.biobiochile.cl/ 25. Министерство здравоохранения (UZB): coronavirus.uz/ru 26. Estado actual del Coronavirus en REP DOM (DOM): www.coronavirus-rd.com/ 27. Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador (ECU): coronavirusecuador.com 28. Libertatea (ROM): www.libertatea.ro/ 29. Taiwan CDC (TWA): www.cdc.gov.tw/ 30. Mano vyriausybė (LTU): lrv.lt/ 31. Calcalist (ISR): www.calcalist.co.il/ 32. CNA (SGP): www.channelnewsasia.com/ 33. Ministry of Health (RKS): kosova.health/en/ 34. Afghanistan official Dashboard (AFG): uneplive.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4c8ca6b1d9bc44d6bde5e2fd54afc180 35. SaudiArabia official Dashboard (SAU): covid19.moh.gov.sa/ 36. Clarin (ARG): Clarin.com/ 37. Ant1News (GRC): www.ant1news.gr/ 38. TV2 (DEN): tv2.dk/ 39. OUTBREAK.MY (MAL): www.outbreak.my/ 40. Bahrain MOH (BHR): www.moh.gov.bh/COVID19 41. Qatar MOH (QAT): www.moph.gov.qa/ 42. Vietnam MOH (VNM): ncov.moh.gov.vn/ 43. Portugal MOH (PRT): covid19.min-saude.pt/ 44. Moldova (MDA): I live in South Korea. I majored in life sciences and joined a bioinformatics laboratory for my Masters's degree. At that time, I used python. Since I decided to change my career as a dentist, I have stopped programming for almost 15 years now but decided to dust off my programming skills. Please understand, I cannot devote all my free time to this live stream so during off-hours data gathering is done automatically and/or updated by moderators. Although the stream started off crude and basic, many people have supported me in improving and maintaining this. It is because of your support and encouragement that I keep the stream going. I especially appreciate all the advice and support from the moderators and devoting their precious time to improving this live stream - Max Mustermann, Stephanie Hughes, Random, Entrenched Trader, Droid Knight, Craft Fan, Fries, jlpowell73, The NCV, Josh Leathers,The Eldritch God, srpk khin, Hitz1001, Redchief, GildArt by Gilda, emmamec, lambi, AmberLeanne, DukeHeart, Green Rock Films, Charlie, amithist57 and Billy C. I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership, and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Data1 - screen numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Data2 - Daily numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=636567047&single=true - Full music list is in the Community page. Hero Down: http://incompetech.com/ www.bensound.com www.epidemicsound.com www.artlist.io

34:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 22.12.2021 · 09:35:42 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ···

35:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 22.12.2021 · 08:18:42 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on Active Cases This streaming is another variation of the original one based on active cases. I started this live stream on Jan 26th. Many people are worried about the spread of coronavirus. For anyone that wants to know the real-time progression of the worldwide spread of this virus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to instill fear or panic, nor is it necessarily comfort; I just want to present the data to help inform the public of the current situation. The purpose of this stream is to show basic information and data to understand the situation easily. For detailed information, please visit our reference sites. -- References for automatic update: 1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ 3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 5. RiskLayer (DEU): www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/100/detail 6. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia 7. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html 8. VG (NOR): www.vg.no 9. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ 10. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/ 11. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi 12. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): covid19.isciii.es/ 13. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr / 14. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/ 15. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/ 16. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/ 17. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/ 18. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/ 19. La Repubblica (ITA): www.repubblica.it/ 20. RIVM (NLD): www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel 21. стопкоронавирус (RUS): xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/#operational-data 22. IEDCR(BGD): www.iedcr.gov.bd/ 23. La Republica (PER): larepublica.pe/ 24. biobiochile (CHL): www.biobiochile.cl/ 25. Министерство здравоохранения (UZB): coronavirus.uz/ru 26. Estado actual del Coronavirus en REP DOM (DOM): www.coronavirus-rd.com/ 27. Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador (ECU): coronavirusecuador.com 28. Libertatea (ROM): www.libertatea.ro/ 29. Taiwan CDC (TWA): www.cdc.gov.tw/ 30. Mano vyriausybė (LTU): lrv.lt/ 31. Calcalist (ISR): www.calcalist.co.il/ 32. CNA (SGP): www.channelnewsasia.com/ 33. Ministry of Health (RKS): kosova.health/en/ 34. Afghanistan official Dashboard (AFG): uneplive.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4c8ca6b1d9bc44d6bde5e2fd54afc180 35. SaudiArabia official Dashboard (SAU): covid19.moh.gov.sa/ 36. Clarin (ARG): Clarin.com/ 37. Ant1News (GRC): www.ant1news.gr/ 38. TV2 (DEN): tv2.dk/ 39. OUTBREAK.MY (MAL): www.outbreak.my/ 40. Bahrain MOH (BHR): www.moh.gov.bh/COVID19 41. Qatar MOH (QAT): www.moph.gov.qa/ 42. Vietnam MOH (VNM): ncov.moh.gov.vn/ 43. Portugal MOH (PRT): covid19.min-saude.pt/ 44. Moldova (MDA): I live in South Korea. I majored in life sciences and joined a bioinformatics laboratory for my Masters's degree. At that time, I used python. Since I decided to change my career as a dentist, I have stopped programming for almost 15 years now but decided to dust off my programming skills. Please understand, I cannot devote all my free time to this live stream so during off-hours data gathering is done automatically and/or updated by moderators. Although the stream started off crude and basic, many people have supported me in improving and maintaining this. It is because of your support and encouragement that I keep the stream going. I especially appreciate all the advice and support from the moderators and devoting their precious time to improving this live stream - Max Mustermann, Stephanie Hughes, Random, Entrenched Trader, Droid Knight, Craft Fan, Fries, jlpowell73, The NCV, Josh Leathers,The Eldritch God, srpk khin, Hitz1001, Redchief, GildArt by Gilda, emmamec, lambi, AmberLeanne, DukeHeart, Green Rock Films, Charlie, amithist57 and Billy C. I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership, and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Data1 - screen numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Data2 - Daily numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=636567047&single=true - Full music list is in the Community page. Hero Down: http://incompetech.com/ www.bensound.com www.epidemicsound.com www.artlist.io

36:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 21.12.2021 · 18:09:36 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on Active Cases This streaming is another variation of the original one based on active cases. I started this live stream on Jan 26th. Many people are worried about the spread of coronavirus. For anyone that wants to know the real-time progression of the worldwide spread of this virus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to instill fear or panic, nor is it necessarily comfort; I just want to present the data to help inform the public of the current situation. The purpose of this stream is to show basic information and data to understand the situation easily. For detailed information, please visit our reference sites. -- References for automatic update: 1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ 3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 5. RiskLayer (DEU): www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/100/detail 6. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia 7. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html 8. VG (NOR): www.vg.no 9. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ 10. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/ 11. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi 12. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): covid19.isciii.es/ 13. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr / 14. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/ 15. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/ 16. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/ 17. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/ 18. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/ 19. La Repubblica (ITA): www.repubblica.it/ 20. RIVM (NLD): www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel 21. стопкоронавирус (RUS): xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/#operational-data 22. IEDCR(BGD): www.iedcr.gov.bd/ 23. La Republica (PER): larepublica.pe/ 24. biobiochile (CHL): www.biobiochile.cl/ 25. Министерство здравоохранения (UZB): coronavirus.uz/ru 26. Estado actual del Coronavirus en REP DOM (DOM): www.coronavirus-rd.com/ 27. Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador (ECU): coronavirusecuador.com 28. Libertatea (ROM): www.libertatea.ro/ 29. Taiwan CDC (TWA): www.cdc.gov.tw/ 30. Mano vyriausybė (LTU): lrv.lt/ 31. Calcalist (ISR): www.calcalist.co.il/ 32. CNA (SGP): www.channelnewsasia.com/ 33. Ministry of Health (RKS): kosova.health/en/ 34. Afghanistan official Dashboard (AFG): uneplive.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4c8ca6b1d9bc44d6bde5e2fd54afc180 35. SaudiArabia official Dashboard (SAU): covid19.moh.gov.sa/ 36. Clarin (ARG): Clarin.com/ 37. Ant1News (GRC): www.ant1news.gr/ 38. TV2 (DEN): tv2.dk/ 39. OUTBREAK.MY (MAL): www.outbreak.my/ 40. Bahrain MOH (BHR): www.moh.gov.bh/COVID19 41. Qatar MOH (QAT): www.moph.gov.qa/ 42. Vietnam MOH (VNM): ncov.moh.gov.vn/ 43. Portugal MOH (PRT): covid19.min-saude.pt/ 44. Moldova (MDA): I live in South Korea. I majored in life sciences and joined a bioinformatics laboratory for my Masters's degree. At that time, I used python. Since I decided to change my career as a dentist, I have stopped programming for almost 15 years now but decided to dust off my programming skills. Please understand, I cannot devote all my free time to this live stream so during off-hours data gathering is done automatically and/or updated by moderators. Although the stream started off crude and basic, many people have supported me in improving and maintaining this. It is because of your support and encouragement that I keep the stream going. I especially appreciate all the advice and support from the moderators and devoting their precious time to improving this live stream - Max Mustermann, Stephanie Hughes, Random, Entrenched Trader, Droid Knight, Craft Fan, Fries, jlpowell73, The NCV, Josh Leathers,The Eldritch God, srpk khin, Hitz1001, Redchief, GildArt by Gilda, emmamec, lambi, AmberLeanne, DukeHeart, Green Rock Films, Charlie, amithist57 and Billy C. I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership, and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Data1 - screen numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Data2 - Daily numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=636567047&single=true - Full music list is in the Community page. Hero Down: http://incompetech.com/ www.bensound.com www.epidemicsound.com www.artlist.io

37:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 17.11.2021 · 16:21:53 ··· ···
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38:: UK: A Year with CoronaVirus

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 07.01.2021 · 16:59:46 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Here, I present confirmed cases and Reuter news about Covid-19 in United Kingdom from Jan. 2020 to Jan. 2021. Almost all countries have been inflicted by Covid-19. UK is the first country approving vaccines against Corona virus. So many people are focusing on vaccine program and variant of Coronavirus in UK. For UK, I try to summarize Reuters news headlines shown in live streaming for 1 year. Decreased cases number was due to official correction by United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) on 2020 July 6. Music: 1. Better Now by Philip Daniel Zach 2. Pyramid Lung by Philip Daniel Zach

39:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.11.2020 · 13:31:42 ··· ···
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40:: [LIVE] Active Cases - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 20.11.2020 · 08:03:58 ··· ···
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41:: [Live] Spikes in Cases and Deaths - Coronavirus Pandemic : Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 20.11.2020 · 08:03:11 ··· ···
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42:: Changes of Sovereign Credit Rating and Outlook During Pandemic Crisis; from March to October 2020.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 19.10.2020 · 10:00:11 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Here, I present the CHANGES of Sovereign Credit Ratings and Outlooks during 2020 Pandemic crisis, especially from March to October 2020. Comparing Rating/Outlook with those of pre-spike days (Late February) includes Rating/Outlook by big 3 Major Credit rating agencies - S&P, Fitch and Moody’s. If a certain country's color is light red, it means that the only outlook was lowered compared to outlook at February 29. And if the color is dard red, the country's rating had been touched partial default level during pandemic. Dark red can't be changed to other color even if credit rating was upgraded. The most recent credit rating change was made by Moody's. The rating agency cut UK's grade one notch to Aa3 while adding that its outlook was stable. Recently, despite growing levels of public debt, the IMF has advised governments to keep some fiscal supports. And the credit rating agencies have been downgraded sovereign credit ratings for many countries. Usually the downgrades of credit rating reflects general risks of a certain country, also it can cause another new liquidity risk. data source: tradingeconomics.com BGM: Parzival by William Rosati Dear all, I can’t guess where we are heading to in this pandemic crisis. There are various complications caused by policies against COVID 19. If we aim at minimizing sum of all complications, it would be the best way to overcome this. But no one can quantify degree of complications. I have been silence in COVID19 live streaming for several months. Stepping back from furious debating, I am just waiting news about vaccines and medicines. I am really sorry everyone, especially many modertors sincererly helping and encouraging me. It’s almost 9 months since the last video clip was made. I feel shy to show video what I had been made, because almost all my dear subscribers were from live-streaming. I hope you would not be disappointed to see Roylab Stats’ new one. I will keep gathering data and considering good presentation. Please stay safe until we get medicines and vaccines. Thank You.

43:: [LIVE-ENDED] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 18.04.2020 · 00:58:10 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on confirmed cases and recovered cases. I started this live stream on Jan 26th. Many people are worried about the spread of coronavirus. For anyone that wants to know the real-time progression of the worldwide spread of this virus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to instill fear or panic, nor is it to necessarily comfort; I just want to present the data to help inform the public of the current situation. The purpose of this stream is to show basic information and data to understand the situation easily. For detail information, please visit our reference sites. -- References for automatic update: 1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ 3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 4. 1point3acres (for USA/CAN): coronavirus.1point3acres.com/en 5. RiskLayer (DEU): www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/100/detail 6. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia 7. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/55c22ee976bc42338cb454765a6edf6b 8. VG (NOR): www.vg.no 9. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ 10. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/ 11. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi 12. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): covid19.isciii.es/ 13. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr / 14. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/ 15. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/ 16. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/ 17. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/ 18. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/ 19. La Repubblica (ITA): www.repubblica.it/ 20. RIVM (NLD): www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel 21. стопкоронавирус (RUS): xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/#operational-data 22. IEDCR(BGD): www.iedcr.gov.bd/ 23. La Republica (PER): larepublica.pe/ 24. biobiochile (CHL): www.biobiochile.cl/ 25. Министерство здравоохранения (UZB): coronavirus.uz/ru 26. Estado actual del Coronavirus en REP DOM (DOM): www.coronavirus-rd.com/ 27. Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador (ECU): coronavirusecuador.com 28. Libertatea (ROM): www.libertatea.ro/ 29. Taiwan CDC (TWA): www.cdc.gov.tw/ 30. Mano vyriausybė (LTU): lrv.lt/ 31. Calcalist (ISR): www.calcalist.co.il/ 32. CNA (SGP): www.channelnewsasia.com/ 33. Ministry of Health (RKS): kosova.health/en/ 34. Afghanistan official Dashboard (AFG): uneplive.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4c8ca6b1d9bc44d6bde5e2fd54afc180 35. SaudiArabia official Dashboard (SAU): covid19.moh.gov.sa/ 36. Clarin (ARG): Clarin.com/ 37. Ant1News (GRC): www.ant1news.gr/ 38. TV2 (DEN): tv2.dk/ 39. OUTBREAK.MY (MAL): www.outbreak.my/ 40. Bahrain MOH (BHR): www.moh.gov.bh/COVID19 41. Qatar MOH (QAT): www.moph.gov.qa/ 42. Vietnam MOH (VNM): ncov.moh.gov.vn/ 43. Portugal MOH (PRT): covid19.min-saude.pt/ 44. Moldova (MDA): I live in South Korea. I majored in life sciences and joined bioinformatics laboratory for my Masters degree. At that time, I used python. Since I decided to change my career as dentist, I have stopped programming for almost 15 years now but decided to dust off my programming skills. Please understand, I cannot devote all my free time to this live stream so during off-hours data gathering is done automatically and/or updated by moderators. Although the stream started off crude and basic, many people have supported me in improving and maintaining this. It is because of your support and encouragement that I keep the stream going. I especially appreciate all the advise and support from the moderators and devoting their precious time to improving this live stream - Max Mustermann, Stephanie Hughes, Random, Entrenched Trader, Droid Knight, Craft Fan, Fries, jlpowell73, The NCV, Josh Leathers,The Eldritch God, srpk khin, Hitz1001, Redchief, GildArt by Gilda, emmamec, lambi, AmberLeanne, DukeHeart, Green Rock Films, Charlie, amithist57 and Billy C. I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Data1 - screen numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Data2 - Daily numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=636567047&single=true - Full music list is in Community page. Hero Down: http://incompetech.com/ www.bensound.com www.epidemicsound.com www.artlist.io

44:: [LIVE-ENDED] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 17.04.2020 · 18:31:01 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on confirmed cases and recovered cases. I started this live stream on Jan 26th. Many people are worried about the spread of coronavirus. For anyone that wants to know the real-time progression of the worldwide spread of this virus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to instill fear or panic, nor is it to necessarily comfort; I just want to present the data to help inform the public of the current situation. The purpose of this stream is to show basic information and data to understand the situation easily. For detail information, please visit our reference sites. -- References for automatic update: 1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ 3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 4. 1point3acres (for USA/CAN): coronavirus.1point3acres.com/en 5. RiskLayer (DEU): www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/100/detail 6. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia 7. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/55c22ee976bc42338cb454765a6edf6b 8. VG (NOR): www.vg.no 9. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ 10. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/ 11. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi 12. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): covid19.isciii.es/ 13. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr / 14. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/ 15. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/ 16. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/ 17. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/ 18. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/ 19. La Repubblica (ITA): www.repubblica.it/ 20. RIVM (NLD): www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel 21. стопкоронавирус (RUS): xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/#operational-data 22. IEDCR(BGD): www.iedcr.gov.bd/ 23. La Republica (PER): larepublica.pe/ 24. biobiochile (CHL): www.biobiochile.cl/ 25. Министерство здравоохранения (UZB): coronavirus.uz/ru 26. Estado actual del Coronavirus en REP DOM (DOM): www.coronavirus-rd.com/ 27. Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador (ECU): coronavirusecuador.com 28. Libertatea (ROM): www.libertatea.ro/ 29. Taiwan CDC (TWA): www.cdc.gov.tw/ 30. Mano vyriausybė (LTU): lrv.lt/ 31. Calcalist (ISR): www.calcalist.co.il/ 32. CNA (SGP): www.channelnewsasia.com/ 33. Ministry of Health (RKS): kosova.health/en/ 34. Afghanistan official Dashboard (AFG): uneplive.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4c8ca6b1d9bc44d6bde5e2fd54afc180 35. SaudiArabia official Dashboard (SAU): covid19.moh.gov.sa/ 36. Clarin (ARG): Clarin.com/ 37. Ant1News (GRC): www.ant1news.gr/ 38. TV2 (DEN): tv2.dk/ 39. OUTBREAK.MY (MAL): www.outbreak.my/ 40. Bahrain MOH (BHR): www.moh.gov.bh/COVID19 41. Qatar MOH (QAT): www.moph.gov.qa/ 42. Vietnam MOH (VNM): ncov.moh.gov.vn/ 43. Portugal MOH (PRT): covid19.min-saude.pt/ 44. Moldova (MDA): I live in South Korea. I majored in life sciences and joined bioinformatics laboratory for my Masters degree. At that time, I used python. Since I decided to change my career as dentist, I have stopped programming for almost 15 years now but decided to dust off my programming skills. Please understand, I cannot devote all my free time to this live stream so during off-hours data gathering is done automatically and/or updated by moderators. Although the stream started off crude and basic, many people have supported me in improving and maintaining this. It is because of your support and encouragement that I keep the stream going. I especially appreciate all the advise and support from the moderators and devoting their precious time to improving this live stream - Max Mustermann, Stephanie Hughes, Random, Entrenched Trader, Droid Knight, Craft Fan, Fries, jlpowell73, The NCV, Josh Leathers,The Eldritch God, srpk khin, Hitz1001, Redchief, GildArt by Gilda, emmamec, lambi, AmberLeanne, DukeHeart, Green Rock Films, Charlie, amithist57 and Billy C. I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Data1 - screen numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true Data2 - Daily numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuDj0R6K85sdtI8I-Tc7RCx8CnIxKUQue0TCUdrFOKDw9G3JRtGhl64laDd3apApEvIJTdPFJ9fEUL/pubhtml?gid=636567047&single=true - Full music list is in Community page. Hero Down: http://incompetech.com/ www.bensound.com www.epidemicsound.com www.artlist.io

45:: [LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Dashboard, World Maps, Charts, News

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 17.04.2020 · 12:57:56 ··· ···
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01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 29.01.2020 · 12:23:52 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· WUHAN Novel Coronavirus outbreak, LIVE WORLD MAP/COUNT (on confirmed case, death). In Wuhan, Hubei province, a new coronavirus was identified. Extensive testing in mid-to-late January has revealed over 2,700 confirmed cases in China, some of whom were working in healthcare. Confirmed cases have also been reported in Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, the United States, Singapore, Vietnam, France, Nepal, Australia, and Malaysia. Currently, presenting is not perfect. Gathering information process is still buggy. Abrubt termination can be happend to fix bug. I didn't make any file I/O exception handling. When the main screen get blacked, I will manually restart the program. Most of data from DXY. According to JHU's introduction of Coronavirus mapping website, DXY is a Chinese website that aggregates NHC and local CCDC situation reports in near real-time, providing more current regional case estimates than the national level reporting organizations. Also we surely has been referenced JHU's Dashboard about Coronavirus. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

47:: [LIVE ENDED] WUHAN Novel Coronavirus WORLD MAP/COUNT (on confirmed case, death)

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 29.01.2020 · 02:35:21 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· WUHAN Novel Coronavirus outbreak, LIVE WORLD MAP/COUNT (on confirmed case, death). In Wuhan, Hubei province, a new coronavirus was identified. Extensive testing in mid-to-late January has revealed over 2,700 confirmed cases in China, some of whom were working in healthcare. Confirmed cases have also been reported in Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, the United States, Singapore, Vietnam, France, Nepal, Australia, and Malaysia. Currently, presenting is not perfect. Gathering information process is still buggy. Abrubt termination can be happend to fix bug. I didn't make any file I/O exception handling. When the main screen get blacked, I will manually restart the program. Most of data from DXY. According to JHU's introduction of Coronavirus mapping website, DXY is a Chinese website that aggregates NHC and local CCDC situation reports in near real-time, providing more current regional case estimates than the national level reporting organizations. Also we surely has been referenced JHU's Dashboard about Coronavirus. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

48:: [Testing] Novel Coronavirus outbreak, Live MAP/COUNT

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 27.01.2020 · 09:42:01 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· In Wuhan, Hubei province, a new coronavirus was identified. Extensive testing in mid-to-late January has revealed over 2,700 confirmed cases in China, some of whom were working in healthcare. Confirmed cases have also been reported in Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, the United States, Singapore, Vietnam, France, Nepal, Australia, and Malaysia. Currently, presenting is not perfect. Gathering information process is still buggy. Abrubt termination can be happend to fix bug.

49:: More Males than Females, Imbalance of Human Gender Ratio; Population Problems 1950~2100

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 23.01.2020 · 08:35:08 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Most gender imbalance: which country does most biased in human sex ratio? We show human gender ratio from 1950 to 2100 using UN population prospects. And also suggest world map indicating gender imbalance. We compared 86 countries exceeding 10 million population in 2019. Please Enjoy our clip!!

50:: UCL Goal Comparison all time, best goals per match; UEFA Champions League Comparison

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 18.01.2020 · 14:55:59 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Best football player of goals per match in UEFA Champions League; Which european football player score more in UCL? Gerd Muller? Messi? or Ronaldo?. Here we compare the best stats of Goals per match from 1955 to 2020 group stage. Goal comparison at the same match. It is true that recent football players managed to handle more games than 50s~90s. Someone can insist that the number of career goals of recent players may be exagerrated because of the increasement of matches. But I think that player must handle their conditions to manage more games when comparing of 50s~90s. Although the 'score per match' of Messi and Ronaldo is not the best, their stats are comparable to Gerd Muller, Puskas, Di Stefano. I am very happy to address the stats of legendary european football stars such as Del Piero, Henry, Trezeguet, Crespo. Please enjoy my video!!

51:: The Highest Population 1950~2100, World Population Comparison; UN Population prospect 2019

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 15.01.2020 · 08:37:32 ··· ···
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52:: UCL Final all time Winners ; 1955~2019 UEFA Champions league Finals

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 12.01.2020 · 02:23:24 ··· ···
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53:: Emerging Markets, GDP Growth Rates Comparison 1961~2018;GDP Growth Ranking

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 09.01.2020 · 08:30:01 ··· ···
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54:: UCL Most Common Match All Time; UEFA Champions League Record 1955~2020

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 06.01.2020 · 09:53:18 ··· ···
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55:: Comparison of Countries having TOP 500 University ; 2003~2019 Shanghai Ranking - REVISED

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 06.01.2020 · 03:30:08 ··· ···
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